Friday 7 October 2011

Day Off

So I had every intention of getting up this morning early, going to the gym and generally being productive with my day off. It all started well, I woke up at 9.30 without the aid of any alarm whatsoever, and then it hit me...........the red wine hangover!

Why do I do it? I have a nice wee day shift and the next day off why can’t I just be sensible so that I don’t waste my precious luxury “me” time with a thumping headache?

Grumpus works in a bar with a late license, you know the type, food and crap music during the day. At night the lights go down food is served till 10pm and there is a DJ in from 9pm. It’s in a busy area in the centre of town and has a 3am license most nights of the week. Usually they close when there are less than 30 people left. Sometimes Grumpus goes to the 24 hour gym in town after a shift and doesn’t get home till any time between 2am and 6am. So I had the flat to myself last night, like most nights actually.

I am a member of “love film”, they send me a DVD I watch it and send it back, and they send me another one. Yesterday I got through The Book of Eli so that was my night sorted DVD bottle of vino and pizza............because there’s no point cooking for one is there? I finished the bottle, of course I did who was I kidding saying I wouldn’t.......well there’s no point leaving a glass! Last night in my moment of wisdom I didn’t think I was drunk, I even read a chapter of my book before I went to sleep, a chapter that granted I will probably have to re-read....clearly not tonight because I have just opened another bottle of vino!  It was just after 1am when I turned out my light, that’s a decent amount of sleep by any manner of means you would have thought? Well apparently not because at 9.30 this morning when I tried to get up my head was banging and the flat was freezing. So I slowly got up, turned the heating on and lay my poor wee head down for half an hour. 1pm I woke up feeling like I was in a sauna, Grumpus was snoring obliviously beside me. I was so warm I couldn’t stay in bed even if I wanted to so I got up to inspect the damage.

Grumpus, you see leaves a trail of destruction from room to room; today it wasn’t too bad, empty cup of tea on the floor next to the couch and an empty take away tub on the kitchen unit next to the bin took me 2 minutes, then I had nothing to do. Soup I thought! I’ll make some soup it’s freezing outside and it’s always nice to come home to some soup. So off I trek to the supermarket for soup ingredients. Shop number one for vegetables lentils and stock cubes then a short walk to shop number 2 for a few other bits and bobs would have thought. Shop number one had no lentils, not a problem I’m going to shop number 2 anyway. But no they don’t have lentils either. I have walked round the shop 3 times now and there are definitely no lentils. So I ask anyway “excuse me, do you have lentils?” It’s not an unreasonable assumption that they would sell lentils I’m in Tesco express for god sake. The shop assistant looks at me as though I have asked does he sell live snakes and curtly replies “no, we don’t sell lentils”.

Now I have a dilemma, the next nearest shop is a bit further away do I go there with the 3 heavy bags I have just purchased or drop my shopping off home first. Yes better to drop the shopping off. Grumpus is still snoring. Third shop no lentils. A Short walk fourth shop, no lentils what is going on either there is a national lentil shortage or the whole world is making soup! Further I wander to the last supermarket before I have to get on public transport in search for lentils. They have some I have never been so excited to see a packet of lentils in my life.

So at home I’m making soup it will be ready for Grumpus to have some before leaving for work. Next minute Grumpus comes into the kitchen and says “bang bang bang with your hammer” I look down somehow expecting to see a hammer there but no I’M CHOPPING A BLOODY CARROT! Grumpus goes for a pee and comes back and looks at the vegetables I have set out to grate and chop. “What are the potatoes for? I don’t put potatoes in my soup” I reply well you’re not making the soup, I am” to which Grumpus says “yeah if I was making it it would have been ready by now and I would have had a bowl” so the potatoes go away and I continue making the soup.

Grumpus is in the shower and I decide I’ve had a stressful day I deserve a bottle of vino. I forgot to get cat food so I need to go out anyway. When I get back Grumpus is getting ready for work, I ask “on your way to work could you post back the DVD so they can send me another one. “Yeah sure, leave it beside my keys so I don’t forget”.

So Grumpus leaves in a frenzy, late as usual, and I go into the bedroom to inspect the damage, everything is left on the floor, wet towel, hair products, socks that were worn to bed, empty cup of tea, clothes that were tried on and taken off......the DVD I wanted posted........I sigh and start the tidy Grumpus doesn’t even make the bed!

 Now here I am its 10.30 and I’ve just sat down to update my blog, that’s what I get for giving my mother a quick call! I am suddenly reminded that it is the weekend in the worst possible way; on the corner of my street there is a bar that has karaoke at the weekend....loud karaoke! It is utterly horrific! Right now I am enduring some old man’s rendition of rhinestone cowboy and I know there is worse to come....thank goodness for vino is all I can say.

It’s still early so I’m going to find myself something to watch and finish my vino in peace but before I do I’m going to put potatoes in MY soup!


  1. Hello,

    I have waitress-ed for 22 years. I too have a proper education, but always seem to fall back on the love of the tip money. 9-5? It ain't me babe, lol. I shall be be a regular visitor. Hope work treats you well. Peace..Lori

  2. hello there! My first visit to your blog after you were kind enough to come and read mine, and I had a very nice visit - thank you! From the wrong end of too many years doing jobs I haven't loved, I'm glad you're choosing to do what feels right, rather than what others think you should.
    Even better if it means we get to read about it!
